Le persone sleali: quando la scorrettezza porta alla solitudine.

Scopri come le persone che sparlano e tradiscono gli altri si ritrovano sole. Un esempio di un collega che, dopo aver ricevuto aiuto, tradisce e inventa storie, ma alla fine la verità emerge, rivelando i suoi imbrogli e lasciandolo isolato.

5/8/20241 min read

A person in a dark blue suit bends over a table with a laptop, interacting with another person seated and talking on a phone. They are both wearing masks. In the background, a woman dressed in black is also on the phone, standing nearby. The setting appears to be outdoor with an urban backdrop.
A person in a dark blue suit bends over a table with a laptop, interacting with another person seated and talking on a phone. They are both wearing masks. In the background, a woman dressed in black is also on the phone, standing nearby. The setting appears to be outdoor with an urban backdrop.

Sparlare, inganni, solitudine